
Mar 03, 2015

Roundtable: The Art of Lying: Information War in Ukraine

Kulatý stůl: Umění klamat: informační válka na Ukrajině.

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Democracy, V4, Europe

Mar 05, 2015 - Feb 05, 2015

The Juncker Commission and European Institutional Reform

The Juncker Commission and European Institutional Reform ~ Expert Roundtable ~

EU, Europe

Mar 10, 2015

European Day at VŠE 2015 Economic Reforms in Europe: Responsibility vs. Solidarity

A traditional one-day conference focused on hot issues and developments in the EU

EU, Czech Republic, V4, Europe

Mar 10, 2015

Student debate as part of 7th European day at VŠE!

Studentská debata v rámci Evropského dne na VŠE

EU, Europe

Mar 16, 2015

Will Serbia and Kosovo join the EU?

A discussion about the current possibilities for further EU enlargement and challenges of EU enlargement in the Western Balkan countries.

EU, Slovakia, Europe

Mar 17, 2015

Přednáška s následující otevřenou diskuzí s F. Šulcem

Další přednáška s následující otevřenou diskuzí v rámci cyklu Bezpečnostní dialog, jejímž tématem bude Obrana státu v nejisté době

Global Security, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, Czech Republic, V4, Europe

Mar 30, 2015

The Diffusion of Drone Warfare? Industrial, Infrastructural and Organizational Constraints

Public lecture by our PostDoc Dr. Andrea Gilli on the topic The Diffusion of Drone Warfare? Industrial, Infrastructural and Organizational Constraints

Afghanistan, Europe, Asia, NATO, USA, Global Security

Apr 10, 2015 - Feb 19, 2015

The Effects of the Cold War on the V4 Countries (Workshop)

The Effects of the Cold War on the V4 Countries (Workshop)


Apr 24, 2015

19th International Conference of Young Scholars Prague: Europe Inspiring

Conference organized by Ph.D. students and academic staff of Jan Masaryk Centre of International Studies

EU, Europe

Jul 06, 2015 - Jul 17, 2015

Antall József Summer School 2015

The aim of the Antall József Summer School is to provide an intensive praxis-oriented two-week-program focusing on the most clearly profiled Central European cooperation.

Energy Security, Cyber Security, Economic Security, Global Security, Water, Oil and Gas, USA, NATO, Russia, EU, United Nations, Middle East, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Education, V4, Israel, Europe

Jul 18, 2015 - Jul 29, 2015

European Summer School in Prague

The European Summer School in Prague is an intensive 12 day learning programme for university students, focused on European integration. This year's title is

Energy Security, Economic Security, NATO, Russia, EU, Ukraine, Education, V4, Europe

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